Save the date!

13 to 15 september 2024

“You only live once!”

Our everyday life is full of questions, tasks and unfortunately often full of stress! That’s why we would like to spend a weekend full of art, music, culture, exchange, joy and relaxation with you! On a weekend in the middle of September, we would like to invite you all to the 16th Brandenburg Youth Culture Days in beautiful Blossin.

“YOLO! Stay different” – is this year’s motto and that’s why well over 200 young people will meet from 13 to 15 September 2024 in the picturesquely situated Blossin Youth Education Centre to spend a weekend and a piece of the future together with us. In addition to young people from Brandenburg, we will be welcoming young guests from Poland and Lithuania.

What happens there?

Over three days, the focus is on getting to know each other as well as developing joint ideas that we want to express using a wide variety of cultural means. With the support of professional coaches, we will work with music, dance, street art, media art, crafts and much more.

Join us!

Would you like to take part? If you are between 14 and 20 years old and live in Brandenburg, Poland or Lithuania you have the best prerequisites. Form a group and find a chaperone who can accompany you to Blossin. You can then register for the Youth Culture Days via your youth club or school.

Stay up to date!

It’s best to follow us on Instagram, because that’s where you’ll get all the news and updates. No Instagram? Then send us a short email with your email address and we’ll keep you informed this way!

Your team from the JuKuTa 2024


Registration for the Jugendkulturtage 2024 will in a few days! Check back soon and follow us on Instagram!
(updated: 27 May 2024)

Brandenburger Jugendkulturtage on Instagram

What’s new?

Anmeldung online

The registration is online!

12. June 2024

Our registration is online! From 01 June to 31 July 2024 – be quick now before all the places are gone! Read more

Flyer Jugendkulturtage 2024

We have a flyer!

26. May 2024

We have made a first flyer for the Youth Culture Days! Download it here! Read more

You can register at the end of May!

6. May 2024

We have booked all the workshops and are currently discussing the final details with the workshop leaders! Read more

The first workshops

10. April 2024

The first workshops have been booked! Parkour, street dance, telling your story with virtual reality, how-to festival, bucket drumming, a band workshop and a jam… Read more

Looking back

2022 / “Together, today, tomorrow”

2020 / “Gemeinsam!”

2018 / “Ein Band durch Europa”

Jugendbildungszentrum Blossin

2016 / “Open Culture – Kulturen verbinden”

2014 / “Szene zeigen”

2012 / “Kultur bildet. Grenzenlos.”

Your message to us

Do you still have questions about the Youth Culture Days or would you like to tell us something about your registration? You can send us a quick message here. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    * please fill in all fields

    Data protection notice: We treat your data collected here confidentially. We use your data to process your enquiry and to contact you in this context. Further information on data protection and your rights can be found in our data protection information. Data protection notice.


    Stiftung SPI
    Brandenburger Jugendkulturtage
    Franz-Mehring-Straße 20
    D-15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

    +49 335 – 38 72 780


    Arne Teubel
    +49 172 – 1911156

    Manuela Pirke

    +49 335 – 38 72 780

    Get updates

    You can register for our newsletter here. We will then send you regular updates and information about the Jugendkulturtage.


    Data protection notice:By clicking on “SUBSCRIBE NOW”, I agree to receive the SPI Foundation’s newsletter with information on the Jugendkulturtage until further notice. For this purpose, the SPI Foundation processes my personal data as described in the data protection information. I can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future, e.g. via the unsubscribe link at the end of each newsletter.